
egodust egodust at DIGITAL.NET
Sat Oct 4 14:43:24 CDT 1997

Vedic knowledge is universal wisdom revealed to individuals of all
times and cultures, and not exclusively unique to the sanatana dharma.

If one is capable of piercing the dogmatic byproducts of the major
religions and discovers their simple esoteric foundation, the verity
of an archetypal spiritual consensus will emerge.

If the limits of knowledge are probed through vedanta, for example,
the concept of nirguna brahman is established, along with its most
effective vehicle of expression, being mownam (silence).

Some other examples:

Lao Tzu says: "The Tao that can be named is not the Tao."

Buddha was also known as Shakyamuni, the silent sage.  His 'Flower
Sermon' was unequivocally the most significant demonstration of his

The Hebrews' arcanum referred to Ain Soph (no thought) as the occult
essence of their unutterable Tetragrammaton: JHVH.  The Old Testament
injunction: "Be still and know that I am God," also refers to this.

The Toltec shamans referred to the Absolute reality as the Nagual:
beyond God, the world, and the ego (which was collectively referred
to as the Tonal).

Islam's 99th name of God is Silence.

The Zens referred to their satori state as being the result of mu-shin

The bardo stages in the Tibetan Book of the Dead are an array of trials
designed to awaken the individual to the fact that all conceivable
experiences are nothing more than projections emanating 'the clear [or
satvic] mind,' being tantamount to the Self of the Absolute.

Jesus said, "I and my Father are one." (Atman = brahman)
clarifying the Hebraic "I AM THAT IAM."
"The Kindom of Heaven is within you,"  and  "Unless you have the mind
of a child, you cannot enter [this] Kingdom of Heaven."

OM shaantiH.


"There are no answers
there are no questions."

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