Value of Prayer

nanda chandran vpcnk at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed May 29 20:51:33 CDT 2002

>On the contrary, Hinduism presents a very deep philosophy. If we go by >the
>advaita school, it presents a complete path to realizing the >Brahman
>within. If we follow the Bhakti tradition of Vaishnavism, the >entire
>discussion is on our various  relationships to Vishnu and on >how to
>elevate ourselves to spiritual realms. So, here religion is a >lot more
>than mere regulation. It is an internalized process.

This view is quite in line with modern notions of "Hinduism" which using
inspiring concepts from the Vedic texts like the Upanishads, is presented as
"liberated" and "free" in contrast to "restrictive" Semitic religions.

This is far from the truth and the origins of such false views lie in the
propoganda of the "secularist/leftist" intelligensia in India who desire to
liberate "Hinduism" (whatever that might be) from its "pointless" rituals
and "unscientific" dogma.

>That is why Hinduism has survived without a centralized figure, preceptor
>or >organization. It is very common to come across a Hindu who may rarely
> >visit a temple, but perform all "sadhanas" within the 4 walls of his
> >home.

Don't we have Shankaraachaaryaas or the Sri Vaishnava Jeers or the
Madhvaachaaryaas? Are they not central figures and preceptors for the
various sects within "Hinduism"?

Don't we have the mathaas of the various sects - don't they represent

Sure none of them by themselves might represent "all Hindus" - but still
each represents a particular section of Hindus even as  Catholic or
Protestant churches represents only a particular section of the Christian
population in the West.

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