[Advaita-l] Pa~nchapAdikAchArya

venkata subramanian venkat_advaita at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 7 11:16:16 CDT 2006

As an aside, it is a little ironic, perhaps, that after all the controversy 
with Virupaksha Sastry (who was also a teacher of Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati 
Swami of Sringeri) and others, the SSS centenary commemoration volume from 
Holenarsipur carries a benedictory letter from the Sringeri Acharya.
i feel nothing ironic in this, for indeed, Swami Sachidanandendra Saraswarthi was a very good disciple of Sringeri Math.  I clearly mean disciple in the true sense of the word.  He was initiated into Panchakshari and Bhahya Shanthi by the then Sringeri Jagadguru.  He has explicitly mentioned about his high respect and veneration to his Guru Pitha (Sringeri) in his autobiography that is pending publication - pandit who has read it told me this.
  He indeed approached the Sringeri Math for taking Samnyasa, but at that time it was Sri Jagadguru Chandrashekhara Bharathi Swaminaha, who did not consent.  Only after that he took from one Bodanandendra Saraswathi.
  He had studied under Virupaksha Sasthrigal only.
  So, merely because his views on a particular mute point on treating whether Avidya is Bhava or Abhava, i dont think that the Sringeri Jagadgurus just simply consider him an outcast from Advaita.

Thanks & Regards,

Sadgurubhyo Namah.
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