[Advaita-l] Apaurusheyatva of Veda

Rajaram Venkataramani rajaramvenk at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 10:20:18 CDT 2011

Dear Sri Sadananda, could you please point out the logical error in my
proof? I don't see it. I agree with the need to go beyond logic but
the attempt is to establish only using objective data and logic.

On 04/09/2011, kuntimaddi sadananda <kuntimaddisada at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Shree Rajaram - PraNAms
> First, the logic that you have used is not fool-proof to establish the
> apourusheyatva of the Vedas.
> Second, ultimately it comes down to ones belief that they are - in terms of
> the exact words and meters or mantras etc apourusheyam, in spite of any
> supporting logic you may have.
> Third, once it is accepted that ultimately it is a question of belief or
> faith, and then all the logic that is being used is not necessary - since in
> the final analysis it is the faith that matters.
> If one wants logically to be established, I would like to content with the
> idea that it is the knowledge that is aourusheyatvam, rather than exact
> expression in words; since the absolute truth discussed is aloukikam and
> hence Vedas have to be taken as pramANa and no other pramANa is valid in
> that realm. In that sense I do concur that all knowledge is apourusheyam. An
> appropriate pramANa only helps in removing the cover (to discover) for the
> knowledge getting revealed to the qualified pramAta. This way, it is
> logically sound and in principle the words and the meters help to
> communicate the knowledge precisely just as F=ma; but it is not necessary to
> communicate only in that way. Hence we accept any scriptures or segments of
> scriptures that agree with Vedanta, only reject those segments that do not.
> Even in the Vedanta; there are several matams that using the same words but
> extract different meanings for those words. Hence the knowledge embedded in
> the
>  Vedantic words itself getting distorted in terms of implied meaning of
> those words. The essential problem is words do not describe the truth (na
> vaak gachhati, no manaH) and hence the emphasis on the sampradaaya and
> teaching methods of the words contained in the Vedas for properly
> dis-covering the knowledge contained in them which is apourusheyam. For that
> reason Vedas themselves prescribe to approach a teacher rather to study
> them. That knowledge is eternal is not faith but fact, and therefore beyond
> logic or beliefs too. That is truly apourusheyam.  The rest is faith and no
> logic is needed to support it.
> Just my 2c.
> Hari Om!
> Sadananda
> --- On Sun, 9/4/11, Rajaram Venkataramani <rajaramvenk at gmail.com> wrote:
> From: Rajaram Venkataramani <rajaramvenk at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Advaita-l] Apaurusheyatva of Veda
> To: "A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta"
> <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org>
> Date: Sunday, September 4, 2011, 5:41 AM
> The following is my argument for apaurushey​atva of veda. Pl. correct me if
> it is wrong. If vedas are apaurusheya, they should exist independent of any
> purusha or person. That is they have to exist as an entity in their own
> right with the same words and meter. Such an independent existence can be
> proved only if two persons removed in space and time discover the same
> mantra. Indological research shows that over 60 generations of 423 rishis
> have discovered many common mantras. This is very different and unique in
> human history. There are many instances of two or more people coming up with
> similar ideas (e.g.  calculus by Newton and Leibnitz) but they are not
> exactly the same in form and content. On the  other hand, some of the Veda
> mantras discovered by different rishis are exactly the same to the meter.
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