[Advaita-l] Eka jiva vada and nana jiva vada.

Srikanta Narayanaswami srikanta.narayanaswami at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 30 08:57:41 CDT 2013

In the Brahama sutra bhashya,under the chapter Ii.2.29 the sutra reads:
"Vaidharmayacca na svapnadivat"
There is "vaidharmaya"between the waking state and the dream state.The waking state is not like the dream state,because there is difference in the attribute(vaidharmya).
To this Sri Shankara comments:Yaduktam bahyarthapalapina svapnadipratyayavat jagarita gocarah api stambadi pratyayah vinaiva bahyena arthena baveyuh.pratyaya tva visesat iti tat prativaktavyam!atrocyate!na svapnadi pratyayavat jagrat pratyaya bavitumarhati!kasmat?vaidharmyat!Vaidharmyam hi bhavati svapna jagaritayah!Kim punarvaidharmyam?bada badau iti brumah!badyate hi svapnopalambam vastu pratibuddhasya mithyamaya upalabdo mahajana samagamahiti.....
Here,sri Shankara clarly explains there is difference between the waking state and the dream states in their quality(vaidharmya).

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