[Advaita-l] Trimurtis are created of Pancha bhūta-s - Shankara

H S Chandramouli hschandramouli at gmail.com
Sun Nov 19 10:57:07 EST 2017

> On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 12:33 PM, V Subrahmanian via Advaita-l <
> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote
> <<  That the trimurti-s are also created ones, from pancha bhuta-s, is
> stated
> by Shankara in the text Sarva vedanta siddhanta sara sangraha:
> verses 417-429 The deities presiding over the senses
> << After enumerating the various deities that preside over the various
> organs,
> Shankara says in verse 491 above that all these deities starting from dik
> (direction/space) are created from the pancha bhūtas such as ākāśa. In that
> list Shankara includes Trivikrama (Vishnu), Rudra, Prajāpati, Brhaspati,
> etc. Thus all deities in creation, including the trimurtis, are created
> ones from pancha bhutas. >>
> My understanding is different.  The Trimurtis are NOT created from
> panchabhutas.  When the words  Trivikrama (Vishnu), Rudra are used in the
> context of dik pAlakAs, they should not be understood as referring to the
> Trimurtis.  If it is desired to find a reference to Trimurtis in the text
> Sarva vedanta siddhanta sara sangraha itself, reference could be made to
> verses 310-312 copied below.   In 312, Iswara is equated with MahaVishnu.
>  <<  मायोपहितचैतन्यं साभासं सत्त्वबृंहितम् ।
> सर्वज्ञत्वादिगुणकं सृष्टिस्थित्यन्तकारणम् ॥ ३१० ॥
> अव्याकृतं तदव्यक्तमीश इत्यपि गीयते ।
> सर्वशक्तिगुणोपेतः सर्वज्ञानावभासकः ॥ ३११ ॥
> स्वतन्त्रः सत्यसङ्कल्पः सत्यकामः स ईश्वरः ।
> तस्यैतस्य महाविष्णोर्महाशक्तेर्महीयसः ॥ ३१२ ॥
> << mAyopahitachaitanyaM sAbhAsaM sattvabRRiMhitam |
> sarvaj~natvAdiguNakaM sRRiShTisthityantakAraNam || 310 ||
> avyAkRRitaM tadavyaktamIsha ityapi gIyate |
> sarvashaktiguNopetaH sarvaj~nAnAvabhAsakaH || 311 ||
> svatantraH satyasa~NkalpaH satyakAmaH sa IshvaraH |
> tasyaitasya mahAviShNormahAshaktermahIyasaH || 312 || >>
> My understanding of the Trimurtis as not creations of panchabhutas is in
> line with what Swami Vasudeva Brahmendra Saraswati, in his work Vichara
> Sagara, pp 125, observes concerning avatAra purushAs like Sri Rama/Sri
> Krishna ( let alone Trimurtis ).
> << किञ्च रामकृष्णादिशरीरं न पञ्चभूतपरिणामः, किन्तु चैतन्याश्रितमायापरिणामः
> । >>
> << ki~ncha rAmakRRiShNAdisharIraM na pa~nchabhUtapariNAmaH, kintu
> chaitanyAshritamAyApariNAmaH | >>
> Translation << However, the bodies of Sri Rama, Sri Krishna etc are not
> transformations ( parinama ) of panchabhutas, but transformations of mAyA
> located in Chaitanyam  >>.
> SVBS cites the Bhashya on BG introductory portion in support of this  <<
> अत एव भगवत्पादौर्गीताभाष्योपक्रमे   “ स च भगवान्
> ज्ञानैश्वर्यशक्तिबलवीर्यतेजोभिः सदा सम्पन्नः त्रिगुणात्मिकां स्वां मायां
> मूलप्रकृतिं वशीकृत्य, अजोऽव्ययो भूतानामीश्वरो नित्यशुद्धबुद्धमुक्तस्वभावो
> ऽपि सन् , स्वमायया देहवानिव जात इव च लोकानुग्रहं कुर्वन् लक्ष्यते ।“ इति
>    “जगतः स्थितिं परिपिपालयिषुः स आदिकर्ता नारायणाख्यो विष्णुः भौमस्य
> ब्रह्मणो ब्राह्मणत्वस्य रक्षणार्थं देवक्यां वसुदेवादंशेन कृष्णः किल
> सम्बभूव ।“  इति च कृष्णशरीरं मायाकार्यत्वेन वर्णितम् । >>
> << ata eva bhagavatpAdaurgItAbhAShyopakrame “ sa cha bhagavAn
> j~nAnaishvaryashaktibalavIryatejobhiH sadA sampannaH triguNAtmikAM svAM
> mAyAM mUlaprakRRitiM vashIkRRitya, ajo.avyayo bhUtAnAmIshvaro
> nityashuddhabuddhamuktasvabhAvo.api san , svamAyayA dehavAniva jAta iva cha
> lokAnugrahaM kurvan lakShyate |” iti   jagataH sthitiM paripipAlayiShuH sa
> AdikartA nArAyaNAkhyo viShNuH bhaumasya brahmaNo brAhmaNatvasya
> rakShaNArthaM devakyAM vasudevAdaMshena kRRiShNaH kila sambabhUva |” iti
> cha kRRiShNasharIraM mAyAkAryatvena varNitam | >>
> Regards


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