[Chaturamnaya] Life and Teachings of His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyateertha Mahaswamigal - 2

S Jayanarayanan via Chaturamnaya chaturamnaya at lists.advaita-vedanta.org
Mon Oct 20 11:06:27 CDT 2014

(Continued from previous post)



(This article is taken from the Tattvaloka issue of January 1998 (Volume XX No 5).
The Tattvaloka article was abstracted from the book “Personification of Perfection”,
life and teachings of His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatheertha Mahaswamigal,
by Sri V.Jayashankar. He has a doctorate in the engineering field. The book presents
the life story of this eminent Acharya in a simple language to the younger generation.
The book is published by the Sri Vidyatheerhta Foundation, 5 Brindavan Street,
Mylapore, Chennai 600004)

1. The Acharya—a Perfect Jivanmukta

Darkness was quickly stealing over the region around the tank creating an eerie feeling.
Nobody dared approach the tank as it was believed to be haunted by ghosts. It was an Amavasya
evening, and at a comfortable distance a group of boys was eagerly waiting to see if the
challenge would be accepted.

Suddenly, a frail lad from the group walked boldly towards the tank, washed his hands and feet
and returned. The lad was clearly not one to be frightened by mere ghosts. He had accepted the
challenge of walking up to the haunted tank but pray, who was he?

As is their wont, the boys loved playing games. On many occasions. a boy named “Gundu” (fat one)
would spoil their games. One day, one of the boys decided to put an end to “Gundu’s” mischief.
Although of a smaller build, he quickly caught hold of “Gundu”. The other boys, who were quietly
watching, were sure that “Gundu” would win the fight.

After some wrestling between the contestants, “Gundu” found himself flat on the ground with his
vanquisher on top of him. The winner then asked that a paper be brought and made “Gundu” write
on it that henceforth he would not disturb the boys. The loser complied and the victor had shown
that he was no coward. Who could he be?

The lad was studying in the eight standard in a primary school in Bangalore. He was a very good
student and would often help younger students in their studies. His father, Rama Sastry, was a
primary schoolteacher. One day, under mistaken notion that his son was not studying properly,
he ordered him to stretch out his hand. And repeatedly struck it with a cane. The boy took this
harsh treatment without murmur. He even stretched out his other hand to receive further strokes.

Early Prediction

Venkatarama Sastry, an astrologer, and a tenant of Rama Sastry, was watching the sad scene.
He came forward and stopped the canning. He held the young lad’s hand to gauge the extent of injury.

The lines of the palms of the boy astonished him and he told Rama Sastry, “You are fortunate.
This boy is very different from your other children. He is destined to be a dispassionate one,
adept at Yoga. It will not be surprising if the Jagadguru of Sringeri nominates him as the
successor to the Peetham. Do not beat him, for it is likely that you may have to prostrate before

The predictions of the astrologer turned out to be true, for, the young boy, then known as
Srinivasan, later became none other than His Holiness Sri Abhinava Vidyatheertha Mahaswami,
the 35th Jagadguru of the Sringeri Sharada Peetham. The qualities of courage and forbearance,
evidenced from these incidents of his childhood were carried to their utmost limits and
he became a jivanmukta (one liberated while alive).

The scriptures abound in descriptions of a Jivanmukta’s state and it is repeatedly emphasized
that the attainment of the state of a Jivanmukta is the greatest of all achievements. This is
because he is one whose mind is undistressed in calamity, from whom all longing for pleasures
has departed and who is free from attachment, fear and anger. Further, his lineage is purified,
his mother becomes fulfilled and the earth becomes meritorious on account of him.

(To be continued)

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