devotion vs. knowledge

Ian Goddard igoddard at EROLS.COM
Mon Jun 3 18:38:48 CDT 1996

At 05:11 PM 6/3/96 -0400, M & E Shearn wrote:

  > namaste,
  > my thoughts are that
  > Jnana is of Bahkti
  > Bhakti is of Jnana
  > all is That
  > two names for One
  > who sees the two?
  > without the ego
  > there is only
  > Self
  > adoring
  > it Self
  > in Self
  > Knowledge?

IAN: This is true, for all distinctions are of the mind/ego.
Each distinction (+) is paired with an opposite (-), such
that the sum of all distinctions = (+) + (-) = 0. Thus,
in their totality, all distinctions are null and void;
the Self is null and void, ergo all distinctions are
naught but of the same uniform Self.

All lines of division between A and ~A are shown
to be a fallacy due to the relational identity
of every thing, of every A. The self-realization
is the realizaton of the unity of opposites,
of the unity of I and not-I. This unity is
expressed and proven to be fact through
the relative nature of all identities.

I am Poety: http:/

Law of Identity: A is A, relative to not-A. A = {A, ~A}

Law of Nonidentity: If there is 100% A, there is 0% A. A = ~A

absolute reality:

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