
Ian Goddard igoddard at EROLS.COM
Sat Jun 8 10:06:31 CDT 1996

At 03:47 PM 6/7/96 GMT, egodust wrote:

 > Agree wholeheartedly.  Well put, too. However, from the naive mundane
 > standpoint (which is where the [impossible dream of] ego operates)
 > the implication is "how attached we THINK we are..."

IAN: This, I believe, brings up the matter of levels in nondualist
teachings. Is it proper to tailor statements about the absolute
truth to accommodate different "levels"? If so why?

 >> The attachment of internal mind (A) to external world (~A) is
 >> a logical expression of their inherent unity. Thus attachment
 >> is liberation, samsara is nirvana, the light is the dark.
 > Here again is revealed the silliness of the mind's Commander-in-Chief:
 > Reason.

IAN: Reason is logical thinking. I define logic as simply "that which is
true." Accordingly, logical thinking is thought that leads to or defines
the truth. Logic -- i.e., the truth -- is the instantaneous reality that
is the I am-here-now reality free-base. Logical thinking is not a curse
to be feared but a celebration of the truth. Thought binds no one.

 > Of course we're not expected to carry around the information that 1 = 0
 > or A = ~A.  These are tools devised by mind to dissolve mind.  When the
 > job is done--like cannon fodder--they're thrown away.

IAN: Can we destroy or throw away that which is null and void?
What is "away" ?

As we know: Atman (I am part) and Brahman (I am whole) are not
two, (part = whole). Mind and I Am are not two. Everything is
in I Am, nothing deviates or leads away from I Am. There is
not two; there is no division, no duality, thus no levels.

I am poetry: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/iam-free.html

Law of Identity: A is A, relative to not-A. A = {A, ~A}

Law of Nonidentity: If there is 100% A, there is 0% A. A = ~A

absolute reality: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/reality.html

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