ADVAITA-L Digest - help l...
Michael Cohen
Thu May 23 19:18:13 CDT 1996
Vidyasankar Sundaresan wrote:
>All knowledge is *valid* in
>and of itself, unless contradicted by other knowledge. Thus, for >the
ordinary one, the perception of the universe is what gives him >his notions
of the universe, and he has no choice but to assume >that the jagat is real.
It is only the one who has realized the >unitive knowledge of brahman who can
say jagan mithyA. Till that >happens, the knowledge of the universe is not
I believe an important aspect to this theory of knowledge is that all
pramanas have their own scope of authority. SOund is the venue of hearing
therefore its prevails when a clap of thunder is heard. Self-Knowledge is the
subject matter of the Upanishads alone, the other pramanas, reducible perhaps
to perception and inference, cannot hold any sway in matters pertaining to
the Self. Conversely, if the Vedas say day is night, they are exceeding their
authority and should be rejected according to Sankara. Therefore, I believe
Sankara intends it to be enough to say jagan mithyA when we simply understand
clay (figurative for the Self) is real while pot (all phenomena) is
impermanent and therefore an illusory reality.
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