The essence of Bhagavad Gita
Ram Chandran
Tue May 28 15:36:34 CDT 1996
Here is my summary viewpoint of Vedanta contained in Bhagavad Gita. If you
see you a good point, you know the source and if you see any bad points,
I am the source!
Truth is the TRUTH and Illusion is an ILLUSION.
Light illuminates the TRUTH and Darkness portrays illusions.
True Nature is free from Creation and has no illusion.
True Nature consists of Peace, Beauty, Happiness, Goodness,
Kindness and Love.
True Nature silences Body, Mind and Intelligence.
Creation Destroys the True Nature.
Desire is the root cause of Creation.
Ego kindles Desire and seeds Action.
Mind is the Creator of Ego, Desires and Intelligence.
Slave Body is the Performer of the Action.
Illusion is the Result of the Action.
Illusion pervades mind, body and intelligence.
True Nature is ignored.
Conflict, Ugliness, Sorrow, Corruption, Selfishness and Hate
Here is my interpretation of the essence of the dialogue between
Lord Krishna and Arjun in Bhagavad Gita. It should be pointed out
that Gita does not support or object "Advaita Philosophy." The
implicit message is that One should forget the self to realize
the SELF. Arjun's answer to the Lord is summarized in verse
18:73 "nasto mohah smrtir labdha tvatprasadaan mayaa cyuta sthito
smi gatasamdehah karisye vacanam tava."
Destroyed is my delusion and recognition has been gained by me
through Thy grace, O Acyuta (Krishna), I stand firm with my
doubts dispelled. I will act according to Thy word. Arjuna
assures the Lord that he is able to understand the "True Nature"
and will free himself from egoistic actions and desires.
An Action free from selfishness becomes "inaction." For example,
actions of the flowering plants and fruiting trees are never
considered as actions! But they are the noblest acts benefitting
the humanity. This presence of divinity is shadowed by the human
actions such as the destruction of forests, rivers and the
** Have a Nice Day! **
* You are the only one to judge your actions for awards and punishments *
* An Act of Kindness is its Greatest Reward which always comes with it *
* No Act of Sin can escape from Severe Punishment from the Conscience *
* To Experience True Happiness one has to renounce the rewards of an act *
* Subtle Message from Bhagavad Geeta *
| Ram V. Chandran || email: chandra2%ers.bitnet at ||
| 9374 Peter Roy Ct. || internet: chandran at ||
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