What is Maayaa? (Maayaa Panchaka verse)

Gummuluru Murthy gmurthy at MORGAN.UCS.MUN.CA
Tue Nov 12 07:11:40 CST 1996

On Mon, 11 Nov 1996, Anand Hudli wrote:

>   Maayaa Panchaka of Shankara has this to say:
>  nirupamanityaniraMshake .apyakhaNDe
>  mayi chiti sarvavikalpanaadishuunye |
>  ghaTayati jagadiishajiivabhedaM
>  tvaghaTitaghaTanaapaTiiyasii maayaa ||
>  nirupamanityaniraMshake - in (me who am) incomparable, eternal, without
>                            parts,
>  apyakhaNDe - also indivisible
>  mayi - in me
>  chiti - (who am) Consciousness
>  sarvavikalpanaadishuunye -  and devoid of all differentiations and the
>                              like,
>  ghaTayati - makes compatible or possible
>  jagadiishajiivabhedaM -  the distinction between the Lord of the world
>                           and the individual soul (jiiva)
>  tvaghaTitaghaTanaapaTiiyasii maayaa - maayaa  is indeed an expert in
>                                         making incompatible things
>                                         compatible
>  Translation:
>     In me who am incomparable, eternal, partless, indivisible,
>     Consciousness, and without all differentiations and the like, It (Maayaa)
>     makes possible the distinction between the Lord of the world (God) and
>     the individual soul (jiiva). Indeed, Maayaa is an expert in making
>     incompatible things compatible!

Wouldn't the translation be more appropriate if it says "incompatible
things look or appear compatible" ?
>  Anand

Gummuluru Murthy
Adau ante ca yan nAsti vartamAnepi tat tathA !
                                GaudapAda in Mandukya kArika
What did not exist at the beginning and what is not going to exist at the
 end is as good as non-existent even in the present.

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