Disciples of Ramana Maharshi

egodust egodust at DIGITAL.NET
Mon Oct 21 23:55:41 CDT 1996

Can anyone here prove that they are NOT Self-realized?

By what parameters?
That the Mind enslaves the soul?
That the ego causes living nightmares?
That there isn't peace, love, well-being?

That Ignorance abounds?

What *IS* Ignorance, anyway?
No, really!
Does it have any self-sustaining reality?
Can it be pinned down and pointed to?
And if [you think] it can, who or what generates it?

The tiny Mind is a Master Illusionist!...that's who.
Running in vaster and vaster subtle cunning circles.

On the contrary, whether it's found to be empty
or real, has *no effect* on the truth in the Heart!

(Why should this be doubted?  Who's exempt from it?)

No.  Self-realization is the simplest thing in the world
because Jesus said "Unless ye have the mind of a child,
ye cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

We *ALL* said that through Him, once and forever.


>From  Tue Oct 22 05:36:22 1996
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Subject: Re: Disciples of Ramana Maharshi
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On Tue, 22 Oct 1996 04:55:41 GMT, egodust <egodust at DIGITAL.NET> wrote:

>Can anyone here prove that they are NOT Self-realized?

realize (r=EA=B4e-l=ECz=B4) verb
realized, realizing, realizes verb, transitive
1.      To comprehend completely or correctly.

The American Heritage=AE Dictionary of the English Language, Third
Edition copyright =A9 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic
version licensed from InfoSoft International, Inc. All rights

So, "Self-realization" is comprehending the Self.

Comprehension of the Self is not always occurring, and the point of
sadhana or self-enquiry, as advocated by Ramana Maharshi, is to remove
the lack of comprehension, so that comprehension is occurring 24 hours
a day.

Again I fail to see what this has to do with this thread.



kstuart at mail.telis.org

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