Disciples of Ramana Maharshi

egodust egodust at DIGITAL.NET
Wed Oct 23 17:28:43 CDT 1996

Ramakrishnan wrote:
> egodust <egodust at DIGITAL.NET> wrote:
> >Can anyone here prove that they are NOT Self-realized?
> Can anyone prove that there is not a silver teacup in orbit between the earth
> and the moon somewhere? Everyone knows that the self is not an object to be
> achieved, from the study of BSB or gauDapaada kaarikaa and so on. Most of us
> here are in the realm of ignorance and as shrii gauDapaada observes,
> controlling the mind is like emptying the ocean with a blade of kusa grass,
> but
> has to be done with patience.
> There is no point in asserting ad-infinitum that I am already realized because
> it serves no purpose. This is not the method followed by neither Ramana
> Maharshi nor the masters of the yore. Just because Ramana used that approach
> with a few people it does not mean he followed the same routine with everyone.
> When people asked Ramana about mind and control he has also prescribed
> devotion, pranayama etc. Ken's observation about when to wax philosophical and
> when not to was very pertinent.

I apologize for not further qualifying my reply.

I'm well aware of the preparation required prior to meeting with the
doctrine of advaita.  In this regard, bhakti, raja, karma, and other
yogas are of course vital prerequisites, especially for anyone
specifically deficient in certain areas.  Upon their being sufficiently
developed, they are only then ready for the jnanamarga.
(Please refer to my web page: "Field Manual for the Kurukshetra")

However, this is an advaita list.  Why would anyone consider it
inappropriate to expound advaita?


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