Katha upanishad verse I.2.23

Cameron Reilly cjreilly at OZEMAIL.COM.AU
Tue Apr 8 20:19:20 CDT 1997

At 10:46 08-04-97 -0230, Gummuluru Murthy wrote:

>The discussion on this verse is very enlightening.
>First of all, I think we should accept that there is no action (performed
>by us). Because there is no action, we cannot judge whether the action is
>fruitFUL or fruitless. We simply are to be in a desireless state. Even
>mumukshona apeksheya (the desire to seek realization, VivekachudamaNi,
>verse 1) cannot be there. The Self wishes to reveal Itself only in that
>state.To whom will It reveal ? To the person in that state. The person
>to whom the Self is revealed will see only non-duality. So, as I see, the
>conditions (necessary) for the Self to be revealed, are:
>purity of heart
>discipline of the senses
>desireless state of the mind
>Are they in our control ? I guess they are to some extent, by saadhana,
>although the very fact that one is a saadhaka is again by Atman's grace.

Very nicely put, Gummuluru.

I just came across a quote from Ramesh Balsekar which I thought played into
our discussion rather well:

"Your doubts will never be totally destroyed until perception has gone
beyond mere phenomenality, and such perception is not a matter of will but
of Grace."

(Taken from http://advaita.org)


Cameron Reilly
The Robert Adamson Centre for Non-Duality/Advaita Studies
Direct Lineage of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Melbourne, Australia
Email: cjreilly at ozemail.com.au

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