Katha upanishhad verse I.2.23

Charles A. Hillig chillig at JETLINK.NET
Wed Apr 9 14:41:35 CDT 1997

>>The acceptance of non-volition should not lead to lethargy. We are back to
>>the "there must be an intensity in seeking" bit.
>Yes, there *must* be an intensity. But whether or not one has that
>intensity, is entirely out of one's hands. If there is to be intensity, it
>will arise spontaneously.
>There is the common mis-conception that the acceptance of non-volition will
>lead to lethargy or anarchy - "Well, if I don't have any control, that
>means I can become a mass murderer and nobody can blame me!".
>I continually point out to people that they have *never* had any volition -

     I agree, but, of course, they can't even choose to either accept such
non-volition or to reject it.

     Without volition, there are no "mistakes."  There are only things
which, at least seemingly, don't seem to work out as predicted.

                                      With Blessings,

                                             Chuck Hillig

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