Spiritual Evolution and Samsara

Charles A. Hillig chillig at JETLINK.NET
Fri Apr 11 14:29:07 CDT 1997

At 04:43 PM 4/10/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Charles A. Hillig wrote:
>>     There is no way that you can possibly "get lost."   When samsara and
>>maya show up for you to deal with, (and they always do_) then THAT is your
>>path.   Then throw yourself into its seductions 100% but don't get attached
>         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>to any of it.
>This reminds me of a quote from the li.nga purANa which says (paraphrased)
>"trying to achieve detachment by enjoying the pleasures first is like trying to
>extinguish fire by pouring oil on it". The course of action you prescribe is
>extremely dangerous and time and again all advaitic teachers have warned people
>not to try such things. See for eg, "Talks with Ramana Maharshi" where a
>questioner asks exactly the same thing, viz "throwing oneself at it's seduction
>100% etc" and Ramana Maharshi gives the quote from the li.nga purANa. The
>course of action you prescribe is more reminiscent of tantrik vAmAchAra
>practice and would not be endorsed by any traditional advaitic teacher.
>Vasanas are only strengthened by the satisfaction of desires and not the other
>way around.

     You're right, of course.  The words "seduction" was entirely
inappropriate, and I thank you for pointing that out.  I didn't mean to
imply that one should satisfy pleasures, lusts, etc..  I was hoping to
suggest that we need to fully align ourselves 100% with what is showing up
for us without resisting our role in the cosmic drama. It was much like what
Krishna was suggesting to Arjuna.  Just do it!

                     With Blessings,

                                    Chuck Hillig


>                  http://yake.ecn.purdue.edu/~rbalasub/

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