Realising the Self!!!

VP Nandakumar nandav01 at M0E3S33.NMB.NORWEST.COM
Mon Apr 21 11:13:35 CDT 1997


        A few days back somebody had written that one should either submit
himself wholly to God or take the path of understanding the self to attain the
ultimate goal.

        OK, I understand that one should be devoid of the affectations of pride
and ego to realize the self. That's logical, as pride and ego are just
superficial and their ends lie in comparison, which really doesn't matter as the
self is the final judge and is really what matters. Then is attributing
everything to God an alternate way of getting rid of the pride and Ego? If it's,
then, is it the right way, as one would still not realize the deeper, truer

        The Self-Realisation which finally amounts to true happiness, is it not
in itself a selfish goal of the self?


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