Allan Curry
Wed Apr 23 19:08:16 CDT 1997
> Over the past few days, a few of the members and me, who're new to
>Advaita and are really interested in getting started, have requested for some
>basic instruction in Advaita. There's hardly been any response to our request.
>And this really questions the Goodness attribute of the Brahman, that all of us
>are trying to achieve!
Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi said, "In the centre of the Heart-cave, Brahman
shines alone. It is the form of Self experienced directly as 'I - I'. Enter
the Heart, through self-enquiry or merging or by breath control and become
rooted as That."
He said this about the method of enquiry... "The I-thought is said to be
the sum total of all thoughts. Enquire into the source of this 'I-thought'".
GURU = ON :-)
Have you ever wondered what the source of thoughts really is? It's curious
isn't it because you obviously can't think of it, can't make it into an
object of thought and yet this is YOU we are talking about! Does this mean
that all the previous thoughts about "you" were wrong? If you are actually
unthinkable, does that mean you are unknowable? If you have never been
thought of and cannot be thought of, what are you anyway? When you find
out what you are you'll know You are That, Brahman, already, and there was
nothing else to achieve...
GURU = OFF :-)
If anything above is misleading or inappropriate to the task I hope it
will be quickly corrected by others...
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