Pressure and advaita
Allan Curry
Sun Apr 27 18:37:11 CDT 1997
On Sun, 27 Apr 1997, Giri wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Apr 1997, Gummuluru Murthy wrote:
> > If your mind does not accept it, there is nothing at all and you are
> > free. Your mind's acceptance of it or otherwise depends on your buddhi.
> Buddhi can be defined as the intellect, which discriminates
> between the unreal and the real. Taking the body/mind to be real, and
> perceiving itself to be separate from "others," the jeeva suffers
Is the buddhi the non-dual truth itself? If the buddhi is not the non-dual
truth then what else is it that discriminates between the buddhi and the
non-dual truth? According to V.S.Iyer, the criterion of truth is that it
cannot be contradicted. Non-duality is non-contradictable because there
is nothing other than it. These things go together in a meaningful way
but I'm not exactly sure how to express it. Any comments?
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