The three states

Gummuluru Murthy gmurthy at MORGAN.UCS.MUN.CA
Wed Dec 10 07:00:07 CST 1997

On Tue, 9 Dec 1997, Chandran, Nanda (NBC) wrote:

> [...]
> But it's only in the state of susupti, though we don't have any recollection
> of it (atleast I don't!),  and upon waking up we feel relaxed and say we've
> had a peaceful sleep etc. So the fact that there exists a state, though we
> weren't aware of it, when we were at total peace and that warrants
> investigation. And that there was no awareness in that state, only proves
> the subtlety of the state.

I have read similar statements about the deep sleep state that when we
wake up (from deep sleep) we say we had a peaceful or happy sleep etc.
I would like to ask in this context: How could we say that we slept
happily ? Deep sleep, by its very definition, is beyond happiness and
sadness. Can a jeeva in a wake-up state gauge how happy (or sad) the deep
sleep is (unless the reference is to sat-chit-ananda, the bliss without
opposite) ? Further, it is significant that the statement "I slept happily
... " is made only in the wake-up state.

Gummuluru Murthy
... aham bhAvodayAbhAvo bodhasya paramAvadhih ...
                        Shri Shankara in Viveka ChuDAmaNi (verse 424)

The end of the rise of the sense of "I" of the ego is the culmination
of knowledge.

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