The Vedas \ Truth
Wed Dec 31 00:24:19 CST 1997
sarvebhyo namaaH,
First of all, I'm sorry I'm late posting
this second part of my answer to "The Vedas",
but it was my birthday and I experienced
many wonderful surprises. BTW, "aanandaH"
means "happiness, joy, and Supreme bliss".
ayaM mantraH bhajetum.h ichChaami (I want
to share this mantra):
R^igVeda maNDalaM IV, suukta 58, mantra 3
or maNDalaM IV, anuvaaka 5, suukta 13,
mantra 3:
chatvaari shR^i.ngaa trayo asya paadaa
dve shiirShe sapta hastaaso asya |
tridhaa baddho vRiiShabho roraviiti
maho devo martyaaM aa vivesha ||
There are many meanings for this mantra
that are recognized by SayaaNa, the Nirukta
of Yaskacharya, and the Maha-bhashya of
Patanjali. The literal meaning according to
H.H. Wilson is:
"Four are His horns; three are His feet;
His heads are two; His hands are seven; the
triple-bound showerer (of benefits) roars
aloud; the mighty God has entered amongst men."
SayaaNa's commentary is somewhat similar
to Maharshi Dayaananda's commentary (I will
elaborate in the next posting). SayaaNa states:
The four horns are the four Vedas (also, the
four cardinal points of the horizon); the three
feet are the three daily sacrifices (also, of
morning, noon, evening); the two heads are two
particular ceremonies termed "brahmaudanaM" and
"pravargya" (also, of day and night); the seven
hands are the seven metres (also, the seven rays);
the rainer of rewards (or joy, delights) applies
also to the metres and rays, as does roraviiti,
implying the noise (sounds) made by the repetition
of the mantras of the Vedas; the three bonds are:
mantra, kalpa, and Brahmana (also, the prayer,
the ceremonial, the rationale / and the three
regions of earth, mid-air, and heaven).
More tomorrow . . .
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