Ninth International Congress of Vedanta

Vidyasankar Sundaresan vidya at CCO.CALTECH.EDU
Fri Jan 31 22:22:06 CST 1997

The following post is on behalf of Prof. Rama Rao Pappu of the
philosophy department of Miami University, Ohio. Please contact Prof.
Pappu for further details.



                Ninth International Congress of Vedanta
                        Rishikesh (U.P.) India
                           July 6 - 11, 1997

    Department of Philosophy, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056, USA
            Conference Director: Prof. S. S. Rama Rao Pappu
              Office: (513) 523 2439; Home: (513) 523 2944
                          FAX: (513) 529 4731

Background: The International Congress of Vedanta was founded in 1986 in
the Department of Philosophy, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. It is the
focal point for scholars specializing in all aspects of Indian philosophy
and religion to meet and exchange ideas. Previous sessions of the Congress
have commemorated the birth centennial of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan (1988), the
1200th birth centenary of Adi Sankaracharya (1990), the centennial of
Swami Vivekananda's sojourn to America (1992), philosophy of Aurobindo
(1994), birth centennial of J. Krishnamurti (1995) and the 700th
anniversary of sanjeevan samadhi of Jnaneswara (1996).

The Ninth Vedanta Congress will be held in Paramartha Niketan, Rishikesh,
India, between July 6 and 11, 1997. Paramartha Niketan is a modern
monastery located on the banks of the river Ganges and offers good
facilities including lodging and conference rooms. Rishikesh is at the
foothills of the Himalayas and can be reached from Delhi in 5 hours by
road or by train. After-conference tours to Haridwar and to inner
Himalayan stations like Devaprayag, Rudraprayag, Badrinath and Kedarnath
are being planned.

Call for papers: The Ninth Vedanta Congress is expected to be a unique
mixture of traditional Darsana pandits and modern philosophers from India
and the West. The Congress is planning to include in its program plenary
presentations, panel sessions, symposium discussions and individual
papers. The topics to be covered in the Congress include, but are not
limited to:

    Vedanta and other Indian philosophical and religious traditions,
    Vedanta metaphysics, religion and ethics
    Vedanta in literature
    Vedanta and modern science
    Modern Vedantic thinkers
    Vedanta and the Western world.

Suggested special themes for the Ninth Vedanta Congress are:

    1. Vedic Recitation and Its Interpretation
    2. Research papers on prasthana trayi (Brahmasutra, Upanishads and
       Bhagavad Gita)
    3. Advaita Vedanta, and
    4. Hinduism in the next millenium, including the role of youth in
       Sanatana Dharma.

The deadline for sending abstracts of papers and/or informing us of your
intention to attend the Congress is March 30, 1997. However, as July is a
busy pilgrimage season in Rishikesh, accomodations need to be reserved
immediately. Hence, please contact the Conference Director, Professor S.
S. Rama Rao Pappy, as early as possible, at

    Department of Philosophy, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056, USA.


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