The non-reality of free will
Cameron Reilly
cjreilly at OZEMAIL.COM.AU
Tue Jun 3 18:49:51 CDT 1997
>-----Original Message-----
From: Allan Curry [SMTP:un824 at FREENET.VICTORIA.BC.CA]
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 1997 4:20 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ADVAITA-L
Subject: Re: The non-reality of free will
>Was it Ramana Maharshi who said that absolute surrender to God amounted to
>the same thing as jnana? But if we have no free will, what do we have to
>surrender? If we have nothing to surrender, might not the moments before
>and after absolute surrender be surprisingly similar?
What we surrender, I think, is the concept of free will, and the concept of
an individual being along with it. This surrendering, of course, is done
spontaneously and we (the illusory 'us') have no control over it.
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