new member

Ravisankar S. Mayavaram aum at UNIX.TAMU.EDU
Mon Jun 23 10:03:12 CDT 1997

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 17:27:47 +1000
From: Martin Gifford <marting at>
To: aum at
Subject: Re: ADVAITA-L: marting at NSWCC.ORG.AU requested to join


I am Martin Gifford. I am interested in Advaita and realising non-duality. I
am also interested in ending human suffering - including my own! I am also
interested in exploring the purpose of life on earth.

So far I have decided that the purpose of life on earth is-
        1.   Realising non-duality.
        2.   Creativity.
        3.   Joy.
        4.   Love.

I have read Ramana Maharshi, Nisagadatta Maharaj, H.W.L. Poonja (and others
with a less advaitic emphasis). I have been sometimes inspired and sometimes
disappointed with what I have read. Life on earth seems to be held in
disdain by most teachers. I hope to bridge that gap.

Best wishes,


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