Time Bound

Martin Gifford marting at NSWCC.ORG.AU
Mon Jun 30 21:21:25 CDT 1997

And when the ego has no more role, will that be the end of violent actions
from that person?


At 03:36 PM 30/06/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Yes, of course we should accept that war occurs, or that there is violence
>within ourselves.  The alternative to acceptance is denial, or
>self-deception.  Do I mean that we should approve of war, violence, etc?
>Certainly not.  But again, if we find ourselves approving of it, we should
>accept the fact that we approve of it.  The word "accept" often gives
>people trouble, as it has multiple meanings.  I simply mean we should face
>the facts, unpleasant as they may seem.  Our egos are very selective in
>what they accept.  They may choose to accept only the good things about
>ourselves, or some may choose to accept only the bad things.  If we truly
>are able to face What Is, without judgment or interpretation, the ego has
>no more role.
>From ADVAITA-L at TAMU.EDU Mon Jun 30 23:48:52 1997
Message-Id: <MON.30.JUN.1997.234852.0700.ADVAITAL at TAMU.EDU>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 23:48:52 -0700
Reply-To: "Advaita (non-duality) with reverence" <ADVAITA-L at TAMU.EDU>
To: "Advaita (non-duality) with reverence" <ADVAITA-L at TAMU.EDU>
From: Mark Hovila <hovila at FOXINTERNET.NET>
Subject: Re: Time Bound
Comments: To: "Advaita (non-duality) with reverence" <ADVAITA-L at TAMU.EDU>
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There are of course many levels of violence (how many microorganisms do we
kill daily?) but intentional, aggressive violence, it seems to me, belongs
to the ego, to duality.  If there is no duality, no self/other split, it
would be like being violent toward oneself.

When my ego disappears I will give you a more definite answer. :)


> From: Martin Gifford <marting at NSWCC.ORG.AU>
> To: Multiple recipients of list ADVAITA-L <ADVAITA-L at TAMU.EDU>
> Subject: Re: Time Bound
> Date: Monday, June 30, 1997 7:21 PM
> And when the ego has no more role, will that be the end of violent
> from that person?
> Martin.
> _______________
> At 03:36 PM 30/06/97 -0700, you wrote:
> >Yes, of course we should accept that war occurs, or that there is
> >within ourselves.  The alternative to acceptance is denial, or
> >self-deception.  Do I mean that we should approve of war, violence, etc?
> >Certainly not.  But again, if we find ourselves approving of it, we
> >accept the fact that we approve of it.  The word "accept" often gives
> >people trouble, as it has multiple meanings.  I simply mean we should
> >the facts, unpleasant as they may seem.  Our egos are very selective in
> >what they accept.  They may choose to accept only the good things about
> >ourselves, or some may choose to accept only the bad things.  If we
> >are able to face What Is, without judgment or interpretation, the ego
> >no more role.
> >
> >Mark

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