The point

Gummuluru Murthy gmurthy at MORGAN.UCS.MUN.CA
Tue Oct 28 13:49:16 CST 1997

On Tue, 28 Oct 1997, Nanda Kumar wrote:

> Both Murthy and Allan have raise the question on the mode of attaining
> jnanihood. I've objections to this line of thought:
> For all the Upanishads, the Gita, the Dhammapada and works of theology
> and philosophy, one may read, in the final analysis, all these are useless
> if one doesn't delve deep inside and understand oneself. So in a nutshell
> : "All the answers lie within you". When one understands oneself or his
> true nature, one will attain jnanihood. For each person with differing
> natures, problems and obstacles to overcome might be vary. True that
> it's hard work, but to ask for an easy way or a ready to order and
> generic method doesn't make sense.

Shri Nanda Kumar is moving from the intellectual frame(... For each
person with differing natures.... ) to the Absolute frame(... When one
understands oneself or true nature, one will attain jnanihood....) of
reference and vice versa rather freely in his discussions.

I agree with him that readings of the Bhagavadgita, and the upanishhads
are not really necessary in understanding the true Self (Shri Ram Chandran
may not agree.). They are aids in understanding what we are. Readings of
the scriptures are there to satisfy the intellectual curiosity but the
true nature of the Self is beyond the intellect.

Shri Nanda Kumar says "When one understands oneself or true nature, one
will attain jnanihood.". But, how to understand one's true nature ? We
need a pure mind, divine grace, sAdhana chatushhthaya and much more. If
there is Self-enquiry without proper mental readiness, roaming of the
mind cannot be controlled and the enquiry will lead to nothing. There are
many, many instances of aborted enquiries. Further, as Katha upanishhad
says, the Self has to reveal itself to Itself. However much human effort
with an impure and unready mind will not lead to anything. While the
general statement by Shri Nanda Kumar that we need to understand our true
nature to attain jnanihood is correct, still the path is unknown.

Gummuluru Murthy
Yadaa sarve pramucyante kaamaa ye'sya hr^di shritaah
atha martyo'mr^to bhavatyatra brahma samashnute   Katha Upanishhad II.3.14

When all the desires that dwell in the heart fall away, then the mortal
becomes immortal, and attains Brahman even here.

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