ADMIN : List Policy

Ravi Mayavaram msr at REDDY20.TAMU.EDU
Wed Apr 8 13:24:35 CDT 1998

1) Advaita-L is a open, unmoderated list to discuss advaita-vedanta as
taught by shrI shankara. By advaita-vedanta, the tradition established
by shrI shankara and the maThas created to is referred.

2) Even though the major emphasis is on advaita-vedanta taught by shrI
shankara, topics related advaita-vedanta are welcome. These topics
however should not try to establish supremacy of other traditions over
advaita-vedanta. Purpose of other related articles should be to aid
the understanding of advaita-vedanta.

3) Articles promoting bhakti within the framework of vedAnta are most
welcome.  But this forum should not be used to establish supremacy of
shrIman nArAyaNA or Lord Shiva or any other deity over the other. The
articles should be acceptable to the framework of advaita-vedanta.
Even though advaita-vednata holds that liberation is through
AtmajnAnam, bhakti is always emphasized.

4) Items 2 and 3 are vague, as the maintainer of the List, I reserve
the right on acceptability of articles. In the case the articles are
unacceptable, it will be informed in private and resolved in private.
Unlike in the past I will not do it openly on the list and create

5) Discussion of nAstika traditions and their philosophies are not
allowed. By nAstika traditions, I mean traditions like buddhism and

6) Debates will be allowed. But it should be between two individuals
and not groups. And the individuals should choose a judge (who should
also be a list member) on mutual agreement and the debate should not
prolong more than a reasonable length of time, say one month. And the
loser should accept the position of the winner, atleast on the list.
The debates should be only on topics with in the fold of
advaita-vedanta. The debates between other different schools
(inter-tradition) will not be allowed.

7) Main purpose of this forum is to learn and understand
advaita-vedanta as taught by shrI shankara. I request members to aid
this goal.

8) Posters should not be disrespectful to towards saints and sages of
other traditions, and should show respect towards each other as well.

9) As the maintainer of this list, I reserve the final word on
critical issues like acceptablity of the articles and others
But I will not be autocratic, I will discuss the matter in private
with  knoweldgeable members of the list.  I will be open to

I thank shrI Govind Rengarajan for his help in managing the list in my

In case you want some of the list policies to be changed please feel
free to write to me.  I will post the List policies
periodically to the List.  I would like to again emphasis that this
forum was  created for discussion of advaita-vedanta as taught
by shrI shankara. That is the main purpose of this LIST and this alone
cannot be altered.

with love and respects,


bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam

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