12. kandarapavidyA

Ravi Mayavaram msr at REDDY20.TAMU.EDU
Fri Apr 10 10:28:11 CDT 1998

12.  kandarpavidyA

The vidyA or mantra of kandarpa. It means the knowledge of unity
between individual self [jIva] and Universal Self [Brahman] which is
established by the mantra whose seer is kandarpa; or just as some
vedic sentences are called upaniShads, this mantra (panchadashI) which
is a combination of letters revealed to kandarpa since it confers
knowledge is called vidyA. This vidya expresses paradevatA only.

AUM kandarpavidyAyai namaH

>From shrI shankara bhAshya of shrI lalitAtrishatI

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