the Nature of realization

sadananda sada at ANVIL.NRL.NAVY.MIL
Fri Apr 24 12:27:55 CDT 1998

>I would like to ask a question that sounds a little stupid even to me,
>but that I don't quite see the answer for never the less. I am in the
>grips of Ramana's teaching that our sense of awareness or I-am already
>is the Self, and that all that is needed is to remove our identification
>of the Self with the non-self. Would it not be possible for me or anyone
>at all, at least in principle, to abandon all attachments and false
>identifications of an individual and limiting nature? Let's say for the
>sake of discussion that I do it. What would be different? I would still
>perceive the world through my physical senses, I would still have the
>sense of touch through 'my' body and no other, and so on. My feelings
>and reactions would be changed based on my new orientation, of course.

Blessed Self!

Realization is realization who I am - I am the sat chit and ananda swaruupa
- Every thing rises in me, sustained by me and dissolves in me - but I am
not in them - B.G. 9th - Realization of my true nature is the
self-realization.  Yes enen now in the state of ignorence,  I am a Jeevan
mukta but I have not realized that yet! - whether I have realized it or
not, the fact remains the fact.

- Then what is the difference before and after realization.
Here is an example:
When a pencil immersed in water half way it appreas to be bent. Sastra,
science teaches us that the bending is only apparent due to the distortion
of the light through the medium. One can of course experiment it oneself by
lifting it out of the water and realize the truth without studying the
sastras. ( There is a price for this approach: the possibility exists that
understanding based on experience need not give the right knowledge since I
may conclude that pencil bends in water and gets straightened when it is
removed. The process gets repeated as I lower the pencil again. Hence the
need of the shasra. Hence Shastras can help us to reinterpret our
experiences and provides a helping hand to our intellect to correctly
interpret and understand, ourselves, the world and their interrelation.
Hence experience is not knowledge. Experience can lead to right knowledge
through Sastras and through appropriate teacher who has that knowledge.

  Having realized the truth about the bending of the pencil,  what is my
reaction to it afterwards.  I still see the bending of the pencil but there
is no more misunderstanding that it is real. (Subjective misunderstanding
of the objective world disappears)

Once I realize that I am the totality, there is (1) no more misconceptions
about my self (2) there is no more misconceptions about the world (3) and
there is no more wrong contacts with the world born of the misconceptions.

He is satisfied in himself by himself - there is no more wanting mind or
mind that feels incomplete.

sukham aatyantikam yattad buddi grhaahya matiidriyam|
vetti yatra na chaivaayam sthitashchalati tatvataH|| B.G 6th Ch - ?

The state of realization is where one experiences an infinite happiness,
with no more notions(misunderstandings) in the Buddhi and he or it is of
that nature that is beyond any senses (I am not an object for senses to
percieve etc.) having firmly established in that knowledge there is no more
returning back to the state of ignorance.

yam labdwaa chaaparam laabham manyate naadhikam tataH|
yasmin sthito na duHkhena guruNaapi vichaalyate||

Having gained he feels he has gained what all need to be gained and there
is no more to gain here or hereafter. In that state his mind never gets
perturbed however great the sorrow that comes to me.  (Sorrow exists only
in the perception of the on-lookers - People where crying seeing the
growing cancer in the arm of Bhagavan Ramana, But he was not perturbed)

>But other than that, what would suddenly be dramatically different? And
>if nothing would be all that different, then is realization more just a
>change of perspective and attitude than an actual experience? If so,
>then I would think this fact might change the way we think about it.

The way we think about the world will also change.  There is no more
misconceptions that changing world is real.

We will not do what Arjuna did - ashochyaan anvashochatvam - grieving for
things that need be grieved for- in fact there is nothing that deserves

gataasuunagaataasuunshcha naanushochanti panditaaH|

For those who have gone and for those who are in the process of going, a
wise man does not grieve.

Is it not a big change?.  There is nothing in the world that deserve a shed
of tear. If we understand that, life becomes  a real sport.  Winning and
loosing, is not the goal - playing itself is the fun and that is the sport!
- A smile will never leave a face like that, as in Krishna's face, whatever
may be the hard ship one faces in the game of life.  One does not hesitate
to kill the wicked as Krishna did or help the weak, yet he knows everything
is in Him and it is just Leeal or sport. That is that understanding that
one gains one realizes.

And of course no more doubts! - only answers!

Hari Om!


K. Sadananda
Code 6323
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington D.C. 20375
Voice (202)767-2117

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