signoffs and retirement

Chelluri at AOL.COM Chelluri at AOL.COM
Tue Aug 4 20:33:21 CDT 1998


Sada, Egodust, Murty and others who lately exhibiting their ego's on the
advaita list threatning to retire and at the same time keeping a ray of hope
and confidence inside, that people will come forward and request them not to
resign.   Well you learned some lesson. Now shed all the ego that is latent
and learn patience and tolerence.  To walk on the path of advaita these are
essentials.  Tolerance is prime requasite.  Simply "cause some one veered of
the topic under discussion and makes personal comments is not a good reason to
retire or threaten to retire.  Really, if one wants to retire why announce it
unless you expect a response.  It is childish!

One important thing everybody should remember.   Knowledge is for sharing
especially spiritual knowledge.  If one wants knowledge that is helpful for
material development, be prepared to pay for it.  Contrary is the case for
spiritual knowledge.
In Bharatam one yaksha asks a question to yudhistara and warns him if he know
the answer he should say it truthfully and a false answer will put him to

You guys know the answers to many of the questions beginers like me keep
asking.  So dont even think of resigning , retiring or signing off the list if
you understand what I am saying.   Rest bhagvadeccha.

Shubaham                                                 Nagy

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