Life and Soul: 3 States of Consciousness
Sat Feb 14 08:33:04 CST 1998
sarvebhyo namaH,
The prakaarana books detail the answers about
shaastra of advaita vedaanta, explaining the theory
and technique of the Science of Life, and these
books explain the terms and technologies. A well-
qualified guru, a svaamin.h (swaami) who devotes
his life to these answers in the Science of Life
based on the Vedas, should be consulted.
"aatmaabodha", verse 3:
avirodhitayaa karma naa.avidyaaM vinivartayet.h |
vidyaavidyaaM nihantyeva tejastimirasa.nghavat.h ||3||
"Action cannot destroy ignorance, for it is not
in conflict with or opposed to ignorance. Knowledge
does verily destroy ignorance as light destroys
deep darkness."
There are three states of consciousness for the
vaasanaa = "The impression of anything remaining
unconsciously in the mind, the present conscious-
ness of past perceptions, knowledge derived from
memory; fancy, imagination, idea, notion, false
notion, mistake (. . . the mistake that there is
a difference); thinking of, a longing for,
expectation, desire, inclination . . . ."
Apte's adds: "Knowledge derived from memory;
particularly, the impression unconsciously left
on the mind by past good or bad actions, which
therefore produces pleasure or pain; . . . false
idea, ignorance . . . ."
In "tattvabodha" vaasanaas are accummulated
in the mind during the waking state.
vishva = "all, every, everyone; whole, entire,
universal; all-pervading or all-containing,
omnipresent (. . . soul, intellect); the intellectual
faculty or the faculty which perceives individuality
or the individual underlying the gross body . . . ."
"tattvabodha" states:
shrotaadiGYaanendriyaiH shabdaadiviShyaishcha
iti yat.h saa jaagradavasthaa |
sthuula shariiraabhimaanii aatmaa vishva
ityuchyate ||
"The state of experience in which the sense
objects (sound, etc.) are perceived through the
sense organs (ear, etc.) is the waking state. The
Self identifying itself with the gross body is
called 'vishva'."
Further, "during this state, all the faculties
are operating and the individual is in a complete
form, vishva. The subtle and causal bodies are also
available for experience during the Waking state."
svapnaavasthaa keti chet.h jaagradavasthaayaaM
yad.h dR^iShTaaM yad.h shrutaM tajjani tavaasanayaa
nidraasamaye yaH prapa~nchaH pratiiyate saa
svapnaavasthaa |
suukShmashariiraabhimaanii aatmaa taijasa
ityuchyate |
"For the question, what is the Dream state, the
explanation is: - the world that is projected
while in sleep from the impressions born of what
has been seen or heard in the waking state is
called Dream.
The Self identifying itself with the subtle
body is called 'taijasa'."
Further, "The Dream state is that in which the
Self is identified with the mind (subtle body).
During this state, the mind projects a whole
new objective world based on the vaasanaas it
has gained while hearing, seeing, etc. in the
Waking state.
The waker dies entirely in order that the
dreamer is born."
(To be continued)
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