More gAyatrii mantra's

Anand Hudli anandhudli at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Feb 20 13:57:52 CST 1998

 Here are a few more gAyatrii's from the MahaanArAyaNa upanishhad
 which may be interpreted in a similar fashion as the nArAyaNa and
 the Rudra gAyatrii's that I wrote about earlier.

 Vighnesha(GaNesha) gAyatrii

   tatpurushhaaya vidmahe vakratuNDAya dhiimahi |
   tanno dantiH prachodayaat.h ||

 nandikeshvara gAyatrii (the gAyatrii mantra of Shiva's vehicle,

   tatpurushhaaya vidmahe chakratuNDAya dhiimahi |
   tanno nandiH prachodayaat.h ||

 ShhaNmukha gAyatrii (the gAyatrii of Shiva's son ShhaNmukha)

   tatpurushhaaya vidmahe mahaasenaaya dhiimahi |
   tannaH shhaNmukhaH prachodayaat.h ||

 GaruDa gAyatrii (the gAyatrI of GaruDa, the vehicle of VishhNu)

   tatpurushhaaya vidmahe suvarNapakshhAya dhiimahi |
   tanno garuDaH prachodayaat.h ||

 Brahma gAyatrii (the gAyatrii of Brahman)

   vedaatmanaaya vidmahe hiraNyagarbhaaya dhiimahi |
   tanno brahma prachodayaat.h ||

   Note: Some texts have the masculine singular noun Brahmaa
   instead of the neuter singular Brahma. The former denotes the
   four faced Brahmaa, the Creator, and not the Brahman of VedAnta.
   SaayaNAchArya, however, considers this to be a ParamagAyatrii
   of the VedAntic Brahman.

 naarasiMha gAyatrii (the gAyatrii of the Man-lion incarnation of

  vajranakhAya vidmahe tiixNadaMshhTraaya dhiimahi |
  tanno naarasiMhaH prachodayaat.h ||

 Aditya gAyatrii (the gAyatrii of the sun)

  bhaaskaraaya vidmahe mahaddyutikaraaya dhiimahi |
  tanno AdityaH prachodayaat.h ||

 agni gAyatrii (the gAyatrii of fire)

  vaishvaanaraaya vidmahe laaliilaaya dhiimahi |
  tanno agniH prachodayaat.h ||

 durgaa gaayatrii (the gaayatrii of Goddess durgaa)

  kaatyaayanaaya vidmahe kanyakumaari dhiimahi |
  tanno durgiH prachodayaat.h ||

  Note: This gAyatrii is supposed to be of a sacred fire
  with which Goddess durgaa is identified.


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