69. lakShanojvaladivyA.ngI
Ravisankar S. Mayavaram
Fri Jun 12 23:09:17 CDT 1998
69. lakShanojvaladivyA.ngI
SHE whose form is effulgent with auspicious signs.
HER form is pure, auspicious and effulgent with the distinguishing signs
of svarUpa and taTasthA. Her svarUpa is sat-chit-Ananda, the basis of
mAyA. taTastha is HER aspect as the cause for creation, preservation and
destruction of the jagat. "tadAtmana svayamakR^ita" - He Himself as
become His self. Like the ghee naturally become solid, SHE who is the
solidified sat-chit-Ananda, transforms Herself into jIvAtmA.
lakShana means the signs of divinity in the body as defined by the
science called sAmudrika. HER form is full and resplendent with such signs
indicating HER divinity.
AUM lakShanojvaladivyA.ngyai namaH
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