Ravisankar S. Mayavaram msr at ISC.TAMU.EDU
Wed Jun 24 17:56:54 CDT 1998


I got this mail in response to

a messge sent by shrI Nageswara Rao on 28th May 1998.

with respects,
On Wed, 24 Jun 1998, Saraswathy Somabhatta wrote:

> > Chelluri at AOL.COM
>>     Appreciate someone with sanskrit knowlege, translate the shlokas.
>> This is the best I can do quoting the slokas
>>In the story about Yagnavalka Maharishi, he mentions about
>>"YogaYagnavalkam", a dialogue between Maharishi and his wife
>>     Gargi in which he states:
>      1. "swakarmanaa manushtanaa tsamyagaatma nidarsanat,
>       vedaatanaam parijnaanat gruhastopi vimuchyate"
> svakarmanaaM anuShTanaat.h samyagaatma nidarshanat,
> vedaantaanAM parijnaanat.h  gR^ihastopi vimuchyate
> Meaning:  By discharging one's duties, one will attain a tranquil state
> or proper state to realise self.  When equipped with the knowledge of
> vedanta, even a householder will be liberated.
>      2  "jnaanakarma samayogat paramapnoti purushaha  prudhagbhavo na
> siddeyeta ubhe tasmat samasrayet"
> jnaana karma samyogaat.h param.h aapnoti purushaH,
> pR^ithak.h bhavo na siddhayet.h ubhe tasmat.h samasrayet.h
> Meaning:  When jnaana and karma paths are united, then only param.h or
> the supreme can be attained by purussha.  If one resort to only one of
> these, the goal cannot be reached.

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