36. ekA.ntapUjitA

Ravi Mayavaram msr at REDDY20.TAMU.EDU
Wed May 6 22:16:29 CDT 1998

36. ekA.ntapUjitA

SHE who is worshipped in solitude.

Here "eka" or "advaita" means the inferential knowledge of jIva, that
is tvam and a.nta is its limitation, heart. Hence the term ekA.nta
means heart. SHE is worshipped by the devotee as "I" in the heart.
"yat sAkShAt aparokShat brahma" [bR^ihad AraNyaka upanishad 5-4-1]
which is realized and directly known as brahma. (aparokShat = a + para
+ akShAt, which means " not second hand knowledge", in other words it
is direct experience or knowledge). SHE is perceived directly by the
devotee as "I" in the heart.

"eka" means brahman, a.nta means near, hence ekA.nta means upaniShads.
The root sad in upanishad means goal or movement. The goal of
upaniShad is brahman. Hence ekA.nta pUjita means SHE is worshipped

[to be continued]

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