|| shrI sha.nkarAchArya aShTottara-shata-nAma-stotram.h ||

Ravi Mayavaram msr at REDDY20.TAMU.EDU
Sat May 9 22:26:53 CDT 1998

|| shrI sha.nkarAchAryAShTottara-shata-nAma-stotram ||
>shrIsha.nkarAchAryavaryo brahmAnandapradAyakaH |
>aj~nAnatimirAdityas-suj~nAnAmbudhichandramAH || 1 ||

AUM shrI sha.nkarAchAryavaryAya namaH

I bow to the noble and respectable shrI shankarAcharya. The word
"varya" is a modification of "Arya" (and it is closely related to the
tamil word aiyA)

AUM brahmAnandapradAyakAya namaH

I bow to shrI shankara who bestows the bliss of brahman to his
disciples by conferring AtmajnAnam.

AUM aj~nAnatimirAdityAya namaH

I bow to shrI shankara who dispels the aj~nAnam with brahmaj~nAnam
like the Sun's bright light rays dispels the darkness.

AUM suj~nAnAmbudhichandramAya namaH

I bow to shrI shankara who bestows the auspicious knowledge of brahman
to his disciples, like a a full moon showering its cool rays to a
large body of water.


I doing a free translation here. Please correct me when I am wrong.

with respects
bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam

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