New member introduction: shrI Hans Nilsson

Ravisankar S. Mayavaram msr at ISC.TAMU.EDU
Sun May 31 23:00:14 CDT 1998

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 31 May 98 12:18:22 +0200
From: Hans Nilsson <hans.nilsson at>
To: Ravi Mayavaram <msr at>
Subject: Re: Welcome to Advata-L


My name is Hans Nilsson, from Halmstad on the west coast of Sweden.
My interest i Advaita started in my late teens after having had a series
of spiritual experiences of oneness and the reality of Existence.

I had at that time no knowledge of any religious tradition or thought.
An abridged version of The Gospel of Ramakrishna was my first contact
with the great Indian tradition. I was happy to find a philosophy founded
on experience rather than thought exclusively.

Later I was introduced to TM meditation and in the years that followed i
visited India a few times, where i met with a few of the world-known
spiritual masters of our time.

My interest in advaita has deepened in the last few years, as also a need
to be advaitic in my practice. The only security and happiness I find is
in the conviction (I dare not say knowledge) that there Is only One.

I have great respect for all spiritual and religous traditions of the
world, and  I am not always convinced that the diffrence between dual and
non-dual view-points is as big as we sometimes think. The ultimate goal
is one and the same, roads may differ.

Best Wishes

Hans Nilsson

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