Author of Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

Ravisankar Mayavaram msr at ISC.TAMU.EDU
Tue Nov 24 15:28:28 CST 1998

On Wed, 25 Nov 1998, Dr. SUDHAKAR R. MARUR wrote:

> I think the author of Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna is Mahendra Nath
> Gupta(correct me, if I'm
> wrong) a close disciple of Ramakrishna and not the Master Mahashaya,
> parama-guru of Paramahamsa Yogananda.
> Sudhakar


shrI mahendranAth gupta's pen name is M. He is called as Master
mahAshAya in Autobiography of a Yogi. You are confusing him with
shrI Lahari mahAshAya. Refer to the chapter 9 I pointed out
earlier. mahAshAya is a title in Bengali like Sir. M is called
Master mahAshAya because he was a school teacher.

MahendranAth gupta alias M is the Author of Gospel of shrI
Ramakrishna paramahansa.


"bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam"
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>From  Tue Nov 24 15:40:21 1998
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Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 15:40:21 -0600
Reply-To: msr at
To: List for advaita vedanta as taught by Shri Shankara
        <ADVAITA-L at TAMU.EDU>
From: Ravisankar Mayavaram <msr at ISC.TAMU.EDU>
Subject: Re: New member introductions
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I agree with shrI Anand.

In addition, if someone can discuss the shankara bhAShyam on shrI
viShNu sahasranAmam it will be very nice. I know that in bhakti
list as comparative posting of shankara bhaShyam (briefly) with
that of parAshara bhattar is being done.  May be if someone can
discuss the shankara bhAShyam in detail here, we all can learn.
Even one or two names a week will be suffice.

With regards,

"bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam"
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>From  Wed Nov 25 17:49:44 1998
Message-Id: <WED.25.NOV.1998.174944.0600.>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 17:49:44 -0600
Reply-To: msr at
To: List for advaita vedanta as taught by Shri Shankara
        <ADVAITA-L at TAMU.EDU>
From: Ravisankar Mayavaram <msr at ISC.TAMU.EDU>
Subject: Summary of names beginning with "ka" (141-160)
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This is the summary of the names beginning with the ka of madhya
kUTa (also called kAmarAja kUTa). This summary is based on the
shankara bhAShyam of shrI lalitA trishatI.


141. kakArArthA
SHE who is represented by the letter ka.
AUM kakArthAyai namaH

142. kAlahantrI
SHE who destroys time.
AUM kAlahantryai namaH

143. kAmeshI
SHE who impels one towards desires based the person's past actions.
AUM kAmeshyai namaH

144. kAmitArthadA
SHE who is the giver of the desired objects.
AUM kAmitArthadAyai namaH

145. kAma sa.njIvinI
SHE who revived kAma (manmatha).
AUM kamasa.njivinyai namaH

146. kalyA
SHE who is fit to be meditated upon.
AUM kalyAyai namaH

147. kaThina stana maNDalA
SHE whose breasts are firm and hard.
AUM kaThinasthanamaNDalAyai namaH

148. karabhoruH
SHE whose thighs are soft and tapering like karabha.
AUM karabhorave namaH

149. kalAnAthamukhI
SHE whose face resembles the moon. kalAnatha means moon.
AUM kalAnAthamukhyai namaH

150. kachajitAmbhudA
SHE whose hair defeats rain clouds in beauty.
AUM kachajitAmbudAyai namaH

151. kaTAkShasyandi karuNA
SHE whose eyes drip with compassion.
AUM  kaTAkShasyandi karuNA

152. kapAli prANa nAyikA
SHE who is the basis and  ruler of the life forces of kapAli.
AUM kapAliprANanAyikAyai namaH

153. kAruNya vigrahA
SHE whose form is kindness.
AUM kAruNyavigrahAyai namaH

154. kAntA
SHE who is brilliant.
AUM kAntAyai namaH

155. kAnti dhUta japAvaliH
SHE whose  brilliance puts the japA flowers to shame.
AUM kAntidhUtajapAvalyai namaH

156. kalAlApA
SHE for whom the shAstra-s are like common speech.
AUM kalAlApAyai namaH

157. kaMbukaNThI
SHE whose neck is like a conch.
AUM kambukaNThyai namaH

158. karanirjitapallavA
SHE whose palms put the tender leaves to shame.
AUM karanirjitapallavAyai namaH

159. kalpavallii samabhujA
SHE whose arms are like kalpavallI, the wish granting creeper.
AUM kalpavalliisamabhujAyai namaH

160. kastUrI tilakA~nchitA
SHE whose forehead is adorned with ornamental marks made of musk.
AUM kastUrItilakA.chitAyai namaH


"bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam"
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