
Vidyasankar Sundaresan vidya at CCO.CALTECH.EDU
Tue Oct 13 15:20:53 CDT 1998

> Can someone explain the term "shrInAthAdi" which occurs in the
> following verse. This is from shrI mInAkShI stotram.h
> attributed to shrI shankara.
> shrI vidye shiva-vAma-bhAga-nilaye shrIrAjarAjArchite
> shrInAthAdi guru svarUpa vibhave chintAmaNi pIThike |
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

ShrInAtha refers to Narayana, to whom the guru paramparA is traced
(nArAyaNaM padmabhuvaM vasishThaM etc.). In addition to ShrInAthAdi, the
term guru-svarUpa is also significant. In one of the navaratnamAlikA
stotrams, we have,

dayamAna dIrgha nayanAM deSikarUpeNa darsitAbhyudayAM etc.
It is a common aitihya that the Devi manifests in the form of the guru. In
SrIvidyA traditions, an identity between guru and Goddess is very


"bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam"
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