A millenium get together at kashi..info for people interested...

Jagannathan Mahadevan jagan at CCWF.CC.UTEXAS.EDU
Mon Dec 20 16:30:37 CST 1999

I am sure many people will be interested in this...
further details can be found on the website..


"Love yourself and you will love everybody"
"Pardon yourself and you have the capacity to pardon others"
Mahadevan Jagannathan,
Graduate Student,                           3301, Speedway, # 203,
Department of Petroleum Engineering,        Austin, Texas,
University of Texas at Austin,              TX 78705.
Texas, TX 78705.
Ph: (512) 232-5824                          Ph: (512) 481-9590

The New Beginning

Awakening for the 21st Century

Kashi(Varanasi) is the fountainhead of Indian Spirituality and the way of
life. It is replete with the most learned of scholars and great
saints. Not too often does oppurtunities to recieve the grace and
blessings of these saints manifests itself as it does now!

Adhyatmaji is providing the chance to meet the great saints as part of the
millenium get together from January 01 2000 to January 11 2000.

Never before has the need for spiritual awakening felt more than now! This
millenium camp will provide the right starter for the 21st century men and
women. One can look forward to training on meditation, yoga and lectures
on vedantha for practical and succesful life. The camp will also involve
visiting holy shrines in and around kashi. The camp daily schedule is
printed below and the weekend special camp schedule will be issued soon.

All are welcome, irrespective of caste, creed, race and country. Everybody
is requested to bring winter clothing, bedding and minimum utensils of a
food plate and a drinking glass. Traditional food of the monastic type and
accomodation at Kashi will be provided. There is no fee charged for any
thing. Also please send in arrival dates and number of people in
advance(1-2 weeks) to the following address.

Sanjay Srivastava
House no. B-21/15-A Kamacha
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Ph: ++91-542-391167

Daily Schedule for the Camp:
5:30-6:30 AM    Meditation at the banks of Ganges
6:30-7:15 AM    Yoga/Suryanamaskar(salutations to Sun)
7:15-8:30 AM    Lectures on vedantha at the banks of the Ganges
8:30 AM         Breakfast
9:30-12:30 PM   Discussions and Visisting Shrines/Meditating at different
                places in Kashi and meeting saints.
12:30-2:30 PM   Lunch followed by a break
2:30-4:30 PM    Discussions
4:30-5:00 PM    Snacks
5:00-6:00 PM    Evening Lecture
6:00-6:30 PM    Meditations
6:30-7:15 PM    Bhajans
7:15-7:30 PM    Attend everyday rituals(Aarati-Lamp worship) at the Ganges
7:30-8:30 PM    Walk along the Ganges
8:30 PM         Dinner followed by free discussions with Swamiji
10:00 PM        Retire to Bed

During the weekend camps, guests will be invited and we will also be
meeting saints at their abode. We will also have a special lunch where we
a get chance to serve the saints of kashi.

Look forward to recieving you all at Kashi for the millenium..

Adhyatma Chaitanya

bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam

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