Vedanta and intellect (was Re: Some Vedic sacrifices of this century)

Ravisankar Mayavaram miinalochanii at YAHOO.COM
Tue Dec 28 17:09:50 CST 1999

--- Vidyasankar Sundaresan <vsundaresan at HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:

> I find that this distinction is often lost sight of in many modern
> discussions. Sankaracarya's gItAbhAshya remains the classic
> exposition on
> what it means to offer nishkAmya karma to the Lord, and how it
> differs from
> the ultimate realization.
Dear Vidya,

When you have time, can you elobarate on it?  Also, if the rewards
continue to accrue even after dedicating it to God, will not the cycle
of karma go on and on. Especially with respect to nitya and naimittika
karma-s, one is in a fix! It can not be abandoned and if doing it comes
after you (even after offering the fruits to God), indeed one is in a
quandary. May be then sannyAsa is the only way out!

I hope you will find time to resume you gita-series in the coming year.

Thank you.

With regards,

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