bhaja govindaM verse 2

Giridhar giridhar at CHEMENG.IISC.ERNET.IN
Wed Jan 13 21:07:10 CST 1999

Verse 2:

mUDha jahiihi dhanaagamatR^ishhNaaM
kuru sadbuddhiM manasi vitR^ishhNaam.h .
yallabhase nijakarmopaattaM
vittaM tena vinodaya chittam.h .. 2..

##mUDha## \ = Oh fool!;
##jahiihi## \ = jahi+iha, leave/give up+here(in this world);
##dhana## \ = wealth;
##agama## \ = arrival;
##tR^ishhNaaM## \ = desire;
##kuru## \ = act;
##sadbuddhiM## \ = sat.h+buddhiM, good+intelligence
##manasi## \ = in the mind;
##vitR^ishhNaaM## \ = desirelessness;
##yallabhase## \ = yat.h+labhase, whatever+(you)obtain;
##nijakarma## \ = nija+karma, one's+duty(normal work);
##upaatta## \ = obtained;
##vittaM## \ = wealth;
##tena## \ = with that;
##vinodaya## \ = being content;
##chittaM## \ = mind;

Oh fool ! Give up your thrist to amass wealth,
devote your mind to thoughts to the Real.
Be content with what comes through actions already
performed in the past.

[Word-by-word meanings were provided by Mr. Ganesan]


It is well known that two dangers in the sadhana
are kanchana and kamini (gold and women, but more
correctly, greed and lust).

To every "normal" individual, happiness seems to
be closely connected with wealth and a rich
man gives one to enter the world of sense-delights.
Craving for wealth occupies the mind foremost and
produces a three fold problem : gaining the wealth
is the first problem, hoarding it is the next and
spending it is the third. By this three fold
process, raga and dvesha develop and both the
body and mind are drained of strength being
constantly engaged in the pursuit of wealth.

However, wealth never seem to bring happiness,or
even satisfaction. Desire begets more desire and
gratification of senses. More the indulgence of
senses, the brighter is the glow of passion.

A rich man may not even be able to enjoy the
pleasures which the wealth may provide. He
may diseases which prevent him from eating
and sleeping properly. He envies a poor man
who can eat and sleep without any problems,
but the poor man wants to become rich ! This
is verily maya. [Example by Bhagavan Ramana

(A recent study mentioned the level of happiness
in various countries and found most of the people
in poor countries were
more happier than people in the rich countries.
The study with rankings for various countries
can be found in the internet).

Money and wealth, by itself, is insentient. It
is only our thrist of wealth that Shankara asks
us to renounce. What is desired is that our
relationship with wealth (and all other objects)
is that of the banker, who understands that the
money he is transcating does not belong to him.

We have to give up our feelings and thoughts of
greed and covetness. The mental renunciation
brings peace of mind and leads us to a state of
bliss. That renunciation is the way to bliss is
mentioned in the taittraya upanishad.

AUM shaantiH

"bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam"
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>From  Fri Jan 15 12:31:11 1999
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Subject: 168. haThAtkArahathAsurA
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168. haThAtkArahathAsurA

SHE who can kill great demons in an instant.

When two equals are fighting, considerations like assessing each
others strength, negotiations, etc., may be necessary. When one
has weak adversary, like a Lion having a Lamb, no such
considerations are necessary and the weak one will be killed at
an instant. SHE has destroyed powerful demons like mahiShAsurA at
ease for the welfare of devalokA.  Hence, it is superfluous to
mention HER superiority.  This name indicates HER beneficient

AUM haThAtkArahatAsurAyai namaH

>From  a translation of shankara bhAshyam of shrI lalita trishatI

"bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam"
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