New member introduction: Sri: Clodomir Barros de Andrade

Vaidya Sundaram Vaidya_Sundaram at I2.COM
Thu May 20 15:26:51 CDT 1999

---------------------- Forwarded by Vaidya Sundaram/Dallas/US/i2Tech on 05/20/99
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"CLODOMIR" <clodb at> on 05/10/99 04:45:53 AM

Dear Sir,

Namaste !

First of all, I'd like to congratulate you for the nice you are doing to the
propagation of Advaita Vedanta.

My name is Clodomir Barros de Andrade, I am 33 y.o. and I am Philosophy and
Ethics Professor at Universidade Candido Mendes, Nova Friburgo, Brazil.
I hold a BPh, AM (Sanskrit), MPh (my dissertation focused on the
Pratyabhijna school), I did part of my Phd at Nottingham University and now
I am concluding it at Universidade de Sao Paulo. I am working on the
relationship between jnana and bhakti.
I have also had the opportunity of visiting Bharata, and was much impressed
with everything I saw.
Well, I think it is all,
Best wishes,
Clodomir Barros de Andrade

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