regarding quoting from books

MS Suresh celeste1 at VSNL.COM
Sat May 29 23:48:07 CDT 1999

A good question about "copyrights" subject, which is of
great controversy worldwide.

Anyway, quoting from a book depends on the copyright
specifications indicated in the book itself. Some
publications may prohibit quoting without author's
permission, others may prohibit quoting itself. But people
just dont mind quoting just like that, and only few authors
/ copyright holders raise it as an issue. But i can tell you
that once the issue is raised, the infringer is fleeced at
the Court of Law, and made to pay heavy damages!

Hope this clarifies your query.

MS Suresh

Sankaran Panchapagesan wrote:
> Hi,
>   Do we need permission from the author to quote from a book, or can we
> generally quote without worrying about permission, on the list?
> Regards,
> Ganesh.

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