Science and the Scripture.
Thu Jul 20 15:01:26 CDT 2000
"H.B.Dave" wrote:
> Deatils of the methods, even approach, are different between science and
> religion, but the thirst
> for knowledge is common.
Hari Om,
Reading the above sentence, I was reminded of what i read recently in the
introductory portion of the Bhagavatha book .
The concept of Time is linear according to the modern scientists. They can
only visualise the past which is a few million years ago when the extinct
creatures like dinosaurs lived and the recent past wherein the human
civilization started. Nothing beyond that past, when it all started, nor
anything can they say about the distant future .
But our Puraanaas are very specific in this concept. The Time is cyclic
according to them, it is eternal. The four yugas of Krita, Treta, Dwapara
Kali are cycling always one after the other. They tell us the specific
duration of each yuga and also when they end and what next.
Modern science thinks that the conditions of the living creatures in the
process of evolution has always been improving and that the human form is
highly evolved form which may further improve. But our Puraanas consider the
beginning yuga Krita of every cycle as being the most glorious one which
slowly degenerates into the Kali yuga. The beings of Krita yuga are
as being most highly evolved in all respects.And the beings of Kali yuga as
the bottom most rung of this evolutionary ladder !
Modern science says that the evolution has been from the subtlest forms to
that of the grossest form of human beings who are considered as the pinnacle
of glory of this evolution. But our scriptures say that the human being can
evolve only when he forgets his identity with the grosser forms and learn to
identify himself with the most subtle form of Consciousness. He reaches the
height of evolution only when he realises this subtlest form when he gets
Modern science teaches him to look outward in to the world of gross matter
and explore its vastness in all its darkness ; our scriptures teach him to
look inward and explore the mysterious brightness !
Science think of humans as most highly evolved physically and
forgetting the aspect that he still remains a brute in his antahkarana with
all the raaga and dwesha of lower animals . But the true evolution of man is
in cleansing his antahkarana of all the brutal instincts and manifesting
there the divine qualities.
Latha Vidyaranya.
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