RFD on advaita-siddhi 12

Savithri Devaraj sdevaraj at EXPLORER.CSC.COM
Wed Mar 1 07:39:36 CST 2000


Thanks for writing for all of us.  Good perspective, I think you have covered
almost all the categories.

There is only so much time in a day, my work deadlines and my kids'
responsibilities are quite over whelming to me. So, sometimes my complaint to
God is - why this interest when I cannot do justice to it?  Believe me, I read
all the posts and enjoy and learn from 90% of them.

It does take quite a bit of effort to contribute sensibly to the list.  I
sincerely appreciate all you contributors who, with similar deadlines, still
take the time and pain to contribute regularly.

There is an instance in "Day by day with Bhagavan" when a lady like me
complains to Maharshi - I am a mother with responsibilities,  I don't
understand the GYAna marga, I am not literate and cannot study scriptures
etc., please suggest what I should do. Bhagavan advices her that the best
thing she could do is to say I, I a few times during the day in the middle of
her chores. He says reading scriptures, analysis, prayers are all good, but
not necessary, to know that you are God and try to stay in it is quite
effective.These words from Bhagavan are a great solace to me, and I think
about them often.


"Jaldhar H. Vyas" wrote:

> If I can speak for Anand for a minute, I doubt very much he is feeling
> anger but perhaps a tinge of sorrow.  We can assume that anyone who has
> taken the trouble to join this list has a serious interest in Advaita
> Vedanta.  Perhaps some have only an academic interest, but judging by the
> introductions people send, most are interested in its' practice too.  To
> be of any practical use, the philosphy our sages have set forth cannot
> just be admired like a mantelpiece ornament, Shravana or listening to the
> teachings is important but manana, reflection on them, and nidhidhyasana,
> their application are also vital.
> In our culture we are brought up not to just babble foolishly but to
> quietly and respectfully listen to more knowledgeable people.  When we
> have mastered the subject then we feel qualified to speak.  Perhaps this
> factor is at play too and some members feel too shy to speak up on topics
> they might not know much about.  But they should understand there is
> nothing disrespectful about asking honest questions.  It's the only way to
> learn!  There are two kinds of ignorant person in my book, one who really
> doesn't want to know.  That kind deserves nothing but contempt.  The other
> kind may not know for whatever reason but has a sincere desire to learn.
> That kind deserves all the help and encouragement we can give them.  But
> they have to take that first step and ask.  Although we give the utmost
> respect to Gurus and Devas, in the end the goal of Vedanta is the atma
> dwelling within us all.  No matter how much help one gets one does
> not have access to that atma except through ones own efforts.
> Another problem especially for the Western members of the list maybe that
> a lot of the cultural background you or I can take for granted is
> missing.  Again the solution is to ask if something is not
> understood.  Just because advanced topics are being discussed, doesn't
> mean basic ones cannot be discussed alongside.  There is no size limit to
> the Internet.
> Or maybe particular topics being raised are not of interest.  In that case
> members shoud start up their own discussion.  One needn't wait for one of
> the "regulars t bring it up.  The main rule we have is that disucussion
> should concern Advaita Vedanta as taught by Shri Shankara but that covers
> a broad area of subjects.
> I can sympathize with those caught up in the hectic demands of modern
> life.  As I write this it is 2pm and I haven't eaten all day due to a
> major project due on Friday.  When this world doesn't even give you time
> to eat you can understand why there isn't time for Vedanta.  But one can
> always find some time if one searches hard enough.
> To conclude, while there may be good reasons for members to stay silent,
> there are better reasons for them to speak up.  Anands words should be
> taken not as an admonishment but as friendly advice from someone who
> cares.
> --
> Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar at braincells.com>
> --
> bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam
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bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam

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