Can iishvara pull out a jiiva from bondage?
Thu Mar 23 13:42:25 CST 2000
"jkcowart at" wrote:
> ---------------------
> At 01:49 PM 03/22/2000 -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> >What makes one eventually tire of Maya? This is also a form of desire.
Some day the jiiva realises that it is trapped by the bait that is laid out to
his five senses every day , every minute of its life. He suddenly realises
that he is being hounded by his senses which keep seeking pleasure from the
outside world, but keep getting tired of those pleasures very soon, keep
asking for more but keep getting sorrow in return ! He suddenly decides that
enough is enough ; life is nothing but sorrow dressed up in the guise of
happiness. He realises that there is somebody beyond his senses who is the
supreme controller of his destiny. He decides to unearth this mystery and he
steps into the path of philosophy. The long journey begins, the destination is
too vague, the traveller is wearied and he cries out for some help, some light
to guide him, some one to hold his hand and lead him up the path, and then the
Guru appears on the scene and suddenly the destination becomes clear, Guru
instills confidence in him that he can surely make it and no need to despair,
and that he is the luckiest few who ever thought of treading this path. Once
the route has been set clear, it is only a question of time before he reaches
the goal.
> And yet it is my dharma to be a Christian. Like Raimundo Pannikar,
> I need not give up the religion of my birth to embrace advaita
Very true. Whatever religion one is born into he must excel in practising that
religion true to its spirit. Advaita is a universal philosophy. Anybody can
follow its principles to find out the Truth. Truth has to be one and has to be
> Indeed, as for particular scriptures, Krishnamurti said: "Truth is a
> trackless land."
Yes, for Truth is everywhere. We are inside the Truth and Truth is inside us.
> With respectful regards,
> John
> J. Kingston Cowart, M.S.
> San Diego, California
> <jkcowart at>
Hari Om,
Latha Vidyaranya
bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam
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