New member introduction: Meghana Purnima Sridhar Vaidya_Sundaram at I2.COM
Sun Dec 23 10:40:12 CST 2001

----- Forwarded by Vaidya Sundaram on 12/23/01 10:34 AM -----

Meghana Purnima Sridhar <srajagop at>
12/22/01 11:25 PM
Re: Welcome and request for information
I have been studying material on the website for about
1 year now. I realize I am extremely interested in the
topics discussed on the list server. I have therefore
request access to the mailing list. I do not believe I
am a scholar, in fact, I am very far from it. But, I
would like to profit from knowledgeable people like

I used to live in the US for 10 years in AZ. My main
profession is that of a software engineer. I have
returned to my native land of Bangalore after the 10
year stint in the US with my family. We have been back
in India for about 1 year now. I still work for the
same MNC that I used to work for in the US.

I hope this is enough background about myself. I
accept the terms of the membership listed below.
Please do let me know, if you need any other specific
info about myself.
Thanks and namaskarams!
Sridhar Rajagopal

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