Words Maya and nirguNa

K. Sadananda sada at ANVIL.NRL.NAVY.MIL
Wed Jul 25 05:20:59 CDT 2001

>I was wondering whether the common descriptions of brahman and moksha
>according to other vedantic systems exist in the upanishads. For example, do
>the words "nitya kainkaryam" or "ananta kalyana guna" which are used in
>Vishishtadvaita to describe moksha and brahman respectively, occur
>anywhere in the Sruti? I request members to clarify.
>Sruti smRti purANAnAm Alayam karuNAlayam
>namAmi bhagavatpAda Sam.karam lokaSam.karam

There are descriptions of Brahman that mentions the attributes -
jagat kaaranaM, sarvashaktimaan, sarvaj~naH, sarvaadhaara, etc.  in
the mundaka verse that describes - as yat adreshyam agraaham etc
which shankara uses to denote the nirguNa aspect also in the end says
- nityam vibhuH sarva gatim sa suukshmam yad bhuuta yonim
paripasyanti dhiiraaH which applies to  saguNa brahma.  Anyway I will
ask Shreeman Chari.
Hari Om!

K. Sadananda
Code 6323
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington D.C. 20375
Voice (202)767-2117

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